Handmade Paper


Sa paper, made from the bark of the Sa — or mulberry — tree is traditionally made by hand around Luang Prabang. you can watch villagers making posa paper (from mulberry bark). You’ll see this paper around town — at the markets, as the end pages for restaurant menus — and a visit to Ban Xieng Lek and Ban Xang Khong give you the opportunity to understand first-hand the way it is made.

Start from 09:00am to 18:00pm every day, entrance free

3 km to the north of Luang Prabang town along the river, accross the Nam Khan river from the city centre, these villages can be reached by tuk tuk (though you will need to cross by the new bridge) and by bicycle or even on foot. After crossing the old bridge, make the first left and follow the road as it turns north along the Mekong River. You’ll see crafts shops — and probably mulberry paper drying in the sun — as you approach.

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